The concept of understanding human personality from someone's handwriting is beginning to be
accepted worldwide as valid. One psychological aspect of handwriting not so well understood is
using handwriting to assist someone in personal change.
The concept of change your handwriting, change your life is very powerful. It is
called grapho-therapy. Bart Baggett incorporates many methods of brain-changing tips
into this journal. Neuro-conditioning through handwriting is an excellent way to make changes
stick. Grapho-therapy is now being used worldwide for adults and children to change lives.
This book is an easy self-paced tool to utilize this handwriting change technique.
This student changed her habit of being late
- now she's always on time!
To assist in achieving your goals, Bart Baggett designed a workbook to guide
you in your quest for personal change through the power of journaling and graphotherapy.
The response has been incredible.
Seminar participants love the structure, insight, and daily activity that
the workbook provides. You get the same personal attention through Bart's
45 minute audio mp3 file, instantly available via the internet.
You can actually see the changes happen from your own hand!
Each day,
you feel the difference as you analyze your life in all areas. The current
workbook has been modified for use without a live instructor. Bart has
condensed the most pertinent information from the all-day seminar into
one audio file explaining why grapho-therapy works and how to use the workbook.
This is one of the true breakthroughs of Bart's career and this program
is currently the only place he addresses this important topic.
You can achieve quick, permanent, and specific personality changes in 30 days!
You can easily raise self-esteem, eliminate being sensitive to criticism, overcome
develop trust, increase sex drive, overcome fear of success, and many more just by a sleight
of the hand!

Click here to view a sample page from the 30 Day Workbook.
This workbook uses normal college ruler-sized paper, so it is appropriate for anyone older
than 12 years old who already knows how to write cursive. For kids under 12, we suggest the
Kids' Version.
For best results, consider adding the Grapho-Deck Flash Cards when you order.
(50% off if you place your order at the same time as the workbook order.)

The author recommends you own a Grapho-Deck or the Handwriting
101 Course to hep you choose which handwriting traits to change. This is a journal and NOT
an instructional book. If you are not under the direct supervision of a Handwriting
University trained grapho-therapy instructor, the knowledge inside the Handwriting 101
course or the Grapho-Deck will help you decide which of the handwriting traits you want to
change. You will be more effective if you choose the best traits to change, based on a
professional's insight. You are asked to choose three specific letters to work on during the
30 day journal
Here is an excerpt from the back cover:
You are holding in your hands one of the most powerful tools ever created to assist you
in achieving your dreams. This workbook is the culmination of years of research and
development in the field of handwriting analysis, neuro-linguistic programming, &
grapho-therapy. When you complete this course, your life will forever be altered in a
positive and powerful way.
The reason grapho-therapy is so powerful is that it actually trains your brain and
directly affects your unconscious mind. The only way it can truly affect your
unconscious mind on a long-term basis is by integrating the knowledge into your body and
mind through the nervous system from your fingers to your brain.
This workbook is specifically designed to be completed over a period of 30 consecutive
days. Before you start, commit to spending 5-15 minutes per day doing these daily
handwriting exercises.
In a most basic language, “Grapho-Therapy” means change your handwriting,
change your life! It is the science of improving your personality by making conscious
changes to your letter formations in your handwriting. Professionally-applied,
Grapho-Therapy can correct your worst faults and strengthen your character by simply
changing how you write.
Human handwriting is referred to as “brain-writing”, because the source of
the individualization of handwriting comes directly from the brain, not the hand.
Grapho-Therapy originally grew from the logic that because handwriting is a
subconscious act, it provides the most direct route back to the subconscious -- that
mysterious force which runs each of us. The good news is that part of your mind is also
highly susceptible to suggestion. When we voluntarily decide to change a stroke in our
handwriting through repetitive exercise, we are actually affecting the corresponding
character based on the neuro-pathways the thought is traveling along.
Based on neuroscience, we are physically altering the specific neuro-pathway inside
your brain.
If we persist, a new pathway is formed; thus the old thought pattern begins to atrophy
and the new thought pattern takes over. Remarkable results occur! Just as the
subconscious mind affects
handwriting, handwriting can be used to affect the subconscious mind.
Our handwriting can reinforce our bad habits or we can choose to use it to modify or
even eliminate them. Grapho-Therapy combines the principles of neurology and the
psychology of handwriting analysis to create a powerful and effective method for
changing your life. Use this book for yourself and give one as a gift to someone you
care about. Finishing this 30 day journal is the best investment you could possibly make
in yourself. Start it. Enjoy it. Complete it. Celebrate.
Watch your world change around you. The secret to manifesting everything you want is
already inside it inside these pages.
Change Your Life
in 30 Days Workbook - bonus mp3 lecture (listen online):
Not available in any store. (Retails for $29.95)
Item: 30DYS Adult Workbook
Retail Price: $29.95
Online Price $24.95 each or 12 copies for over 55% off. ($99.97)
One Journal
Journal Kit
One Journal $24.95
Plus S/H

One Journal , One Grapho-Deck, & One Learn Handwriting Analysis in 10 Minutes a
Day Workbook.
$32.90 (Save $8.00)
Plus S/H


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which would apply.
Attention Parents: Order the revolutionary new Workbook for Kids to begin
life-long changes! Perfect for kids grades 3rd - 7th grade.
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Breanna, Age 9, explains how she utilized the Kids version of the 30 Day Journal