Comments and Testimonials
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Testimonials of Real People.
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This handwriting course is better than any drug or shrink. I do appreciate your humor- not a boring class. I'm in control of any and all changes in my life, I'm able to remove bad traits, improve traits that improve me as a person. I'm understanding people through handwriting. I'm able to help others change their lives. You were an answered prayer when I found your website!
— Peggy Walla, Corporate Officer, Columbus, TX , USA |
Hi, I've made many purchases from Handwriting University...and I'm glad I did. The knowledge is very helpful in my self-evaluation and learning. Sincerely,
Nora Bobb Paxtang, Penn, USA
"This seminar has changed my life. It is the most efficient and effective method for personal development and for improving the quality of one's relationships."
"If you're at the point where you want to change your life, this course is a must! You'll learn more about yourself and other people than you ever thought possible, and you'll make money in the process."
"This course has been amazing! With a background in clinical research, my first reaction was to search for the evidence that this science is accurate. Upon investigation, biologically, handwriting analysis' validity makes perfect sense. Ultimately, my own personal improvement was all the proof I needed to change from skeptic to believer!"
"I have already seen and experienced wonderful changes through grapho-therapy. People at work now seek me out as an expert in my field, and I have have many recent offers to manage important projects. All this happened in about a month from first raising my t-bar!" —Diane McCafferty Engineer, Sandy Hook, CT |
Dear Sir, Greeting! It is my pleasure to have my views about the graphology course. I think it is a course which helps an individual to analyze himself in a most scientific manner and helps him to over come the odds by making simple changes in his writing. The ultimate result is self confidence, perfect self judgement, and above all helps me to lead a successful life. Thanks & Regards, Shalim Arora |

Read what others are saying from around the world...
Ahmad Bani Hasan |
![]() Yours sincerely, "Graphologist in the making" Cristiano Silei |
![]() "Before the show, I thought this handwriting stuff was a load of crap, but I was wrong. He nailed us, right on. Bart Baggett... cool guy." (Bart Baggett appeared on the Howard Stern Show in December, 1999 and showed over 3 million people, including Howard, that handwriting analysis is for real.) |

About Bart A. Baggett
"-- BUNKER REINCARNATED -- It is as if you were a reincarnation of Milton Bunker, except, this time 'round you apply all that knowledge to practical, no-nonsense objectives...The secret to your success!" -- A. Grauman (Master Certified Grapho-Analyst and Board Qualified Expert), Brooklyn NY
"Received your [handwriting] analysis of my grandfather today. Thanks so much for a very complete, well stated report. I found it to be extremely interesting and revealing. Although I never knew the man, the person you describe is actually my father -- to a T. He never knew his father, so it seems that many of the traits you deciphered may be genetic. My father will find this most interesting. He doesn't have long to live and is still tormented by the mystery of his father and the light you shed by your analysis will certainly be a comfort to him. Thank you again." -- Michelle C., Publisher, New England
"Nov 5th, 1996 -- Listened to you this am on WROR Boston. Almost didn't go in to vote because I would have to miss some of the laughs. Of course, considering the voting choices, I should have stayed in the car. Regards" -- Ohiham
Thank you for your website. I am a certified handwriting analyst, a graduate of IGAS. I ordered your grapho decks for my grandsons. If they can only learn the ten hell traits, it will give them a rough draft of human nature. Again, thank you! -- J. McVay
Hi Bart,
I watched your interview of Frank Ruehl. You have an amazing ability to interview people and not have them get defensive when you mention negative traits. And you have a great sense of humor, so they laugh along with you. It is a pleasure to watch you interview and analyze handwriting.
Best wishes,
- Toni (Click Here to Read the Inteview)
Email Correspondance About
Bart's Handwriting Analysis Course
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 9:54 PM
Subject: Handwriting Analysis Course
Hello Katie:
I saw your testimonial in information I received from Dr. Erika Karohs.
Which course(s) did you take from Dr. Karohs? How are you using your training? Do you use it in coaching or are you a practicing graphologist? Do you feel the course(s) prepared you well?
I am trying to decide which course to take. Do you know how Dr. Karohs's compares to Insyte or Bart Baggett's?
I am rather new at this and would appreciate any information you care to share when you have the time.
Thank you.
**** Katie's E-mail answer to her question ********
From: Katie Darden
Subject: RE: Handwriting Analysis Course
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000Hello Madalon,
I first started reading Dr. Karoh's materials through a website that no longer exists. I have been subscribed to Dr. Karohs "Sunday Lessons" (an email program) since she began them last year. I am not familiar with Dr. Karoh's *basic* programs, although I have purchased several of her reference materials for use in my research and general study. I like to have a full understanding when I learn something, so I have acquired several handwriting analysis reference materials from different authors and teachers.
Yes, I'm very familiar with Bart Baggett's programs since those are the ones I first studied for my certification. Because of my own experience, I can highly recommend you start with his programs. They are easy to understand and will give you an excellent basis for your study. Bart and Curtis have a friendly, open style of presenting the material. Throughout the course they also provide excellent examples of how to make your analysis understandable for the folks who hire to you. In fact, I like Bart's programs so much that I offer them for sale through my website.
If you decide you want to do more advanced study after your certification, then I would review Dr. Karoh's materials to see which ones fit. Her material is well documented and very professional, but her style is less conversational and more academic. On those rare occasions when I come across something that was not covered in Bart's program, I check my other reference materials to see if it's noted somewhere else.
Both are helpful and responsive. And perhaps it isn't fair to recommend one over the other since they are both good. From my personal experience, I found Bart's materials (the books and the tapes), to be an extremely useful, easy and entertaining way to learn the valuable skill of handwriting analysis. And if you're still not sure, he offers a great money-back guarantee, so you could try the materials first to see how well they meet your needs.
How do I use handwriting analysis? I definitely use it in my coaching work, and I also consider myself a professional handwriting expert. I perform analyses and compatibility studies, provide general information, teach classes, and use it as a short-cut in my sessions with clients. I have also appeared on radio, and provided information for an upcoming book. It's an incredible skill that provides a whole new level of understanding others, and I use it extensively.
Good luck and I hope this helps.
Katie Darden
Career Life Institute
Create the Life you Deserve and Live the Life of Your Dreams!!
I am making a $100 an hour reading handwriting at parties, impressing those with my highly accurate assessment of them without ever having met them before! And all my knowledge comes from Bart's books, courses, and tapes. From what I learned from his "How to Analyze Your Handwriting in 10 minutes," I have been successfully reading people at both private and corporate events (as well as my friends.) People are simply amazed at what I tell them, wondering how handwriting can be so accurate. And at parties they love it, enjoy hearing about themselves, and it is a fabulous ( and VERY ACCURATE) way to analyze couples and see where they agree and where they disagree. If you want to go further in depth in learning handwriting analyses, The Certification Course is the way to go. I am taking it now and find it fascinating because there is so much more information being presented, both in the books and through the tapes of a live course session. I know that I am getting a superior course in becoming a professionally certified handwriting analyst. There is a great deal of depth to handwriting analysis, more than just entertainment, and for those who want to really develop their knowledge of this skill, Bart Baggett's courses without a doubt lead the way. You can be sure that you getting information that is 100 percent accurate. I feel totally confident in what I tell people about themselves using the knowledge gained from Bart Baggett's books and tapes because--you know why?--the people themselves tell me how accurate I am!!!!
- Bryan Dean
![]() Bryan |
"Your course has been so much fun. It is just as accurate in foreign languages as it is in English. And, yes, Italians "line-up" to get their handwriting analyzed too! Thanks for giving me a tool that is changing my life!" -- Paolo Alguriez, Italy
![]() Paolo |
"When I tuned to AM 1070, KENR here in Houston and heard your interview with Scot Cluthe, little did I realize what a turning point that would be.
Your course is exactly what I've been looking for and I'm already reaping benefits from changing the T bars and Y loops. In just a few weeks she has changed in ways that are quite profound in our marriage! 'Nuf said!" -- John Grey, Houston, TX, Publisher
"Every time I dated a woman with Train wreck Handwriting, she ended up being a Total Trainers. The handwriting doesn't lie. Now, I depend on it.
I was recently at a party and I looked up and realized ... There is ME...and 10 Beautiful Woman surrounding me! The handwriting is like a fun magic magnet for the opposite sex! I can't imagine being single without it!" -- Stan Hayes, Dallas, TX, Video Producer
"Bart , I want to take a moment to tell you how handwriting analysis has helped me. The biggest impact has been the increased understanding I have toward other people. I deal with a lot of gender gaps in my career as a female engineer. I have gained wonderful insights to my co-workers and what makes them tick.
In my new job...I can get to know my new co-workers on a different level. It has made it much easier for me to adapt to a new environment of ups and downs [than] before. Now, everything is good. New job, new engagement, new plans, big future. Thank you for your help, time, and support." -- Angela Deatrick
"Everyone NEEDS this knowledge. I'll never date or hire anyone ever again without analyzing the handwriting. This course has changed my life... and it is a hell of a lot of fun, too!" -- Wayne Brown
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![]() Wayne |
"My handwriting Analysis Course has had the biggest impact on my life.. It was the start of a life transformation. My self-esteem, confidence, creativity, and speed of learning have been dramatically strengthened. The results were quick and permanent. Oh, thank you so much for sharing this information, I recommend it to people everywhere I go!" -- Lisa Marie Allen-Bitner
How to Make $100 Per Hour Analyzing Handwriting Marketing System
"In my opinion, Bart Baggett's 'How to Earn $100 an Hour or More... The Handwriting Analysis Marketing System' course is excellent in content, presentation, and accuracy. It is obvious that Bart has put much thought, time, and effort into compiling this course.
Bart uses abundant illustrations with personal experiences and examples to get the marketing system across to the reader. He uses numerous newspaper articles and testimonials to enhance his ideas.
The course material is easy to read and comprehend. His style is simple and straight forward. Bart's basic philosophy states---"this is the way it is, now go out and do it".
In the 15 section notebook, Bart covers every aspect of the business from selling to marketing. There are many angles from which he approaches every aspect of the marketing business. It is easy for each to choose that angle that is best for him. This unique way of presentation gives every one the choice of style that best applies to their situation.
Also included is a computer program to generate analysis reports. This has been expanded to a larger program on the internet.
All in all, a very worthwhile course." -- Dave Burns, MGA (Master Graphoanalyst) and B.A. in Secondary Education from Northern Michigan University
"The marketing course has created lots of enthusiasm in me. It really inspired me because it clearly illustrates all the options available in this field and I am so excited about trying them all!" -- Jackie Ahmadzadeh, Odessa, TX
Deluxe Package -- All inclusive: Standard Certification Course and the Marketing System
"Man oh man! This marketing course is SO...EXCELLENT!!!! This course is most definitely the work of a GENIUS and this boosts up my enthusiasm even more to study, get my certification so that I can be in business. I am totally hyped up on this course and I'm dying from total excitement at the thought of making more money from what I am learning from you.
I have to tell you that if there is no one that shares my appreciation, thankfulness and excitement from your teachings and motivation for helping others gain for the best of themselves than those people don't know is that they're missing. You can quote me on that too.
Once again, Bart, I have to mention that I am proud of choosing you as a teacher and friend. You most definitely know your stuff and I can't find an even better teacher that is willing to share such priceless information that you sell at a cost that is more than affordable than it's actual value which IS MORE THAN A WHOLE LOT." -- Your devoted student, Daniel Arola
"This is Loy from Dubai. I hope you have not forgotten me. I was the one who you basically helped a lot to get your course.
Well after learning the course I began the adventure of getting attention and being noticed for the new skill that I developed. I can't wait to complete your course and become certified.
By God's grace I have happened to get in touch with a certified NLP person - who is interested in giving me the opportunity to work with him as partners in a business that will promote handwriting analysis in Dubai (that is after my certification) with NLP techniques. I managed to get this opportunity because of you. It was only because I was able to analyze him and the people who were attending his course that he seen this potential in me. We are hoping to start in September. I seek your good wishes and will never forget the little things you did in my life that made a HUGE difference.
Mr. Bart Baggett Thank you, and God forever bless you for the person you are and the wonderful things you are doing for other people by what you are teaching them. My long term goal will be to create a market for you here in the Gulf as well as in the Asian market.
I will always seek your guidance and assistance." -- Loy Macedo
"I teach a variety of handwriting analysis classes and I always have my own grapho-deck available for the students to look at, plus additional ones for sale. The grapho-deck is a required resource in my 6 hour 'introduction' class which meets for 2 separate evenings a week apart. Your deck is an incredibly well designed product that gives the students a practical tool they can begin using right away. Plus, at the same time they are learning the traits, they are also beginning to learn how to do a simple analysis. We refer to the cards extensively during class, and their assignment for the week between the two sessions is to use the cards to analyze one of the samples provided in the first session. They're always amazed at how easy the deck is to use and how quickly they can learn the basics. Thank you for a great product at a wonderfully inexpensive price!!" -- Katie Darden, California
"I just want to congratulate you on inventing the Grapho-Deck. I have been getting a 80% - 100% accuracy approval rating from just the cards... they are incredible." -- Carmine Alessandro, Tuloka Lake, CA
March 19, 2015
Dear Future Handwriting Expert,
If you are curious about building a career or just a fascinating hobby in handwriting analysis or graphology, this site is your one-stop resource. Whether you are looking for a simple free special report, an online video training course for free (level 100 is free with Basic Free Membership) or a full blown Master Level Handwriting Analysis Course (Advanced Students Only) ... Handwriting University is for you.
My name is Bart Baggett. You might a have seen me on one of 1600 media interviews over the past decade including Today Show, CNN's Paula Zahn and Larry King Live, and even I love New York on VH1. I can teach you the step by step method that made me so successfuly, highly paid, and a celebrity in many circles. In fact, my handwriting analysis technique is soooo accurate, we now have trainers in Taiwan, India, South Africa, Indonesia , Australia and opening more campuses each year.
I can teach you this handwriting analysis method which is so accurate, it makes most books other books look like guessing.
Now, you can become a certified expert in just a few short months. Many people, like you, hear about handwriting analysis and are really entertained and interested, but you might have never stopped to ask how learning this tool can be used to improve every area of your life.
We have 5 Levels of programs to choose from, depending on how serious you are about mastering this science of graphology (handwriting analysis), or forensic document examination . Naturally, you can always pick up a single book or cards individually, but most students jump into the course in the following sequence... level 101,201,301, and 401, 501.
Before you know it, you are certified as a handwriting analyst and earning $100 an hour part time! (If you are really a tire kicker, you can just read the newsletter each week until your curiosity gets the best of you and you break out your wallet and get the home study course. No hard feelings, you will love the weekly newsletter!
We recommend you order one of the COMBO kits to save money and get the most advaned tooks and videos, right away, like the Standard or Deluxe Course, but you can also order one step at a time and upgrade.
Call my office with any questions on which program to choose.
Bart Baggett,
President of Handwriting University