Can you spot sexual issues, childhood abuse or sexual perversions from handwriting?

Here is a an in depth sample of handwriting, which appears on the Handwriting Certification Final Exam.

Whether or not you are planning to get certified, take a moment to understand the in-depth ability you can have when you stack the traits and fully understand the lower zone loops interact with other features of the writing.

This video correlates to the handwriting sample below, found in the 21 written tests inside your Certification Level Course. The video was recorded live at the Annual Handwriting conference, held each year in Las Vegas, NV, USA. Buy your tickets early for the next event.

Watch Bart's 7 Minute Analysis Here ---> Press Play (2 formats to choose from.)

Scroll down for Teri's handwriting sample.


Can't view the above flash file? View the YouTube feed below:

Can't view the video? Open the MOV file here , it is the the same content as above, but in a MOV format... or finally,View the .SWF file in new window.

Teri's real handwriting sample below. Click to enlarge (opens in new window.)

Bart Baggett, Author of Handwriting University's Certification Level Home Study Course and Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy.

Bart has also appeared on CNN's Larry King Live, Paula Zahn, NBC Today Show, National Lampoon Radio Network, I Love New York on VH1, and the Howard Stern Show.



Student Review of the Annual Conference

Julieta Sanchez (seminar review of Annual Conference)



Reader Mail: Willpower

Hi Mr. Baggett,

My name is Manish and I'm from India. Recently, I had the opportunity to purchase & read your book, "The Secrets to Making Love Happen" and after reading the book, I've become your greatest fan.  I've a query which I request you to please clarify.

In your book, you mentioned that crossing the t-bar with great pen pressure indicates a strong will power.  Sir, I've read in a book of Palmistry, written by Mr. Cheiro, that if a man has a flexible thumb, he has a weak will power and I think that the flexible thumb can't be made rigid and vice versa. So, my question is, "can my will power be made stronger by crossing the t-bar heavily [with more pen pressure?"


Your fan,



The truth is, when you put more pressure on your t-bar, you will increase all your emotions, both positive and negative, which includes will power.  Since it will affect all your emotions, I do not recommend that you do this.

Your handwriting reveals who you are and knowing that particular aspect of your personality puts you in a position to decide to change that which is not desirable.  Once you make that decision, you will begin to remove your fears and change behaviors like being more diligent and completing projects on time. 

I don’t think that making pen pressure heavy is the wisest methodology for increasing your will power.  Such is rarely recommended in grapho-therapy. 

The chapter “grapho-therapy” in my 456 page book “Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy” would be your best source for personal change.

Thanks for writing.


Both books mentioned are available on-line here:

See what real people are saying about Bart Baggett's Handwriting University live events and home study courses. Come to the Annual Conference or view the home study course today.

Hear from many students who attended - compilation (above) 2:34

Alaina Gorfaine - Las Vegas - Learned to stack traits better.




Christine Taylor, Sunnyvale, California

"Loved working with the instructor's in person."

Our Grateful Students Say...

"I am making $100 an hour reading handwriting at parties, impressing people with my highly accurate assessment of them, without ever having met them before! And all my knowledge comes from Bart's books, courses, and tapes. From what I learned from his "How to Analyze Your Handwriting in 10 minutes," I have been successfully reading people at both private and corporate events (as well as my friends). People are simply amazed at what I tell them, wondering how handwriting can be so accurate. And at parties they love it, enjoy hearing about themselves, and it is a fabulous (and VERY ACCURATE) way to analyze couples and see where they agree and where they disagree.

If you want to go further in depth in learning handwriting analysis, The Certification Course is the way to go. I am taking it now and find it fascinating because there is so much more information being presented, both in the books and through the tapes of a live course session. I know that I am getting a superior course in becoming a professionally certified handwriting analyst.

There is a great deal of depth to handwriting analysis, more than just entertainment, and for those who want to really develop their knowledge of this skill, Bart Baggett's courses without a doubt lead the way. You can be sure that you're getting information that is 100 percent accurate. I feel totally confident in what I tell people about themselves using the knowledge gained from Bart Baggett's books and tapes because--you know why?--the people themselves tell me how accurate I am!!!! "

- Read Greyer.

Wendy Carlson, Dallas, TX



See what real people are saying about Bart Baggett's Handwriting University live events and home study courses. Come to the Annual Conference or view the home study course today.


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subscribers.  They are now available in your internet browser with real
audio that will make everything
easy and fun for you!

* How You Can Analyze Handwriting in 10 Minutes or Less  
(contains Real Audio lecture)

* How You Can Earn $100 an Hour or More Analyzing Handwriting in Your Spare Time
(an insider's peek at Bart Baggett's marketing secrets)

* Free On-Line Self Test:

Great Handwriting Products

Handwriting University International offers varied handwriting products to make you skilled and certified in this field.

More information here

Get Certified Live in Las Vegas. Big Sale: Handwriting



Bart Baggett, Author and Lead Trainer

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