Diplomacy and Shyness

Contributed by Guest Author and Certified Handwriting Analyst
David Riffey, St. Petersburg, FL

Are you diplomatic, self-conscious or just shy?

While studying for Handwriting Analysis Certification, I did a written analysis for a young woman at work. After reading it, she declared, "This is so me, how can you come up with all this?" I told her that I look for handwriting traits that are known to relate to particular personality characteristics. In learning these traits, it helps to understand how the mind forms them and reveals them in our writing. An easily understood trait is the height of the t-bar and it's relation to self-esteem or self-confidence. The height at which the t-bar crosses the t-stem is a measure of the degree of self esteem we have for ourselves.

The higher the t-bar the more we like ourselves, and generally we will do better in life than someone with a low self-esteem. The lower the t-bar, the lower our self image and the more likely we will live with, and stay in, unhappy or unhealthy situations. The person with a low t-bar has a fear of change. Why risk change if you think you can't do better? Okay, these traits are pretty clear, aren't they? The height of the t-bar correlates to the level of self-esteem.

Others are not so obvious. You'll find two traits shown in the m's and n's which may seem unrelated: remember, opposite strokes do not always mean opposite personality traits. (Low t-bars vs. high t-bars have opposite meanings in relation to self-esteem. However, the opposite strokes in the m- and n-humps do not have opposite meanings on first look.)

Self-Consciousness vs. Diplomacy.

Self-consciousness is a fear of ridicule by others.
Diplomacy is dealing with people so as not to offend them.

Self-consciousness is indicated by humps that grow progressively bigger in a stair-step fashion as the letter is written toward the right. Diplomacy is written in lowering stair steps going to the right. How do these relate? Directionally speaking, we know that anything in handwriting that is going to the left is related to the self or to the past. Strokes going to the right represent the future or others.



self  <------------------->  others

As you look at these traits, realize that the self-conscious trait slopes down to the left. Diplomacy slopes down to the right. Diplomacy is the awareness of others. Self-consciousness is the OVER awareness of what others might be thinking. Thinking about these traits in this way allows you to understand that they carry essentially the same principle. The direction of the stroke, whether towards ourselves or toward others, is the difference.

Self-conscious people will frequently exhibit shyness in crowds, a reluctance to be in the spotlight, or fear of talking to strangers. Traits such as "pride" and "sensitivity to criticism" will increase the trait of self-consciousness. It seems heavy doses of alcoholic beverages reduce self-consciousness. (ha.ha.)

Remember to not confuse self-consciousness (the fear of being told no or fear of ridicule ) with the serious fear of "Fear of Criticism" , which is a reaction to being criticized. They are both fears, but differenct in many ways.

Remember that just one stroke doesn't make a trait 100% accurate. Someone that has the ability to be diplomatic might never show it if they are impulsive, sarcastic, angry at women (or men), and over sensitive. These "fears and defenses" overpower the trait of diplomacy.

Recently, Bart Baggett taught a class on the entire concept of "Fears and Defenses". You can download the entire 90 minute audio tele-class here, if you are a member of the Handwriting University Membership site.

Remember to STACK the traits for the most accurate analysis. If you need help learning to stack traits, check out the latest Handwriting Analysis Level 501 DVD course, in our catalog here: http://www.myhandwriting.com/order/catalog.html

Listen to what this student learned about her personality!


     A letter from a student in the United Arab Emirates

"From: "loy macedo" --
Subject: A small thank you note.

Dear Mr. Bart Baggett,

I just completed your handwriting course and evaluated my own handwriting. It helped me learn about myself accurately. I can say it was an eye-opener. I was shocked at what my handwriting revealed and even more shocked to know that it was accurate and I was never aware of it. I am still undergoing your course with great interest. I love each and every page of it.

Your course is definitely a gift to anyone who wants to make a difference in his or her life. I extend a big THANK YOU, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, Mr. Baggett. I feel as though you do not have the publicity and the exposure you require for this marvelous piece of work. I am still working on becoming a professional with what you have given me.

I just want you to know how much I appreciate your love and kindness that you have shown me by sharing this vast treasure of knowledge, which I know will definitely change my life. I will, one day, meet the requirements needed and undoubtedly be of some assistance to the accomplishment of making this course, and this science, a big and grand success.

Thank you once again, Mr. Baggett.

Loy Macedo
City of Karama, UAE (near Saudi Arabia


If you want to learn all the life changing tips and techniques Loy learned, you too can join
Loy and students from 17 other countries in
studying the Handwriting Analysis Certification Home Study Course.


P.S.  Now is the best time to learn more about handwriting analysis.




Bart Baggett, Author and Lead Trainer
Maryann Redhead, Director

admin @ myhandwriting.com

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