Newsletter Handwriting Samples:
What does Handwriting Analysis reveal about
Read what Bart and others have to say about this sample:
It's nice to see a sample that is not a murder suspect, a nun, nor a
candidate for The Jerry Springer Show. In other words, most really interesting
samples include negative personality characteristics. This sample was
faxed into me when I appeared on a radio program. Her name is
Lisa and she is very cool.
The most obvious stroke that leaps from the page is the large lower
loops. (Which indicates a large imagination, a bit gullible, and bigger
than normal sex drives) In a nutshell, she gets bored easily and is very
open to spicing it up in the bedroom. What' s more, those loops are not
just big, they are well formed figure 8 shapes. This indicates the
ability to weave thoughts into words = fluidity of thought. I find this
trait in 80% of great radio talk show hosts, professional speakers, and
good dancers, too.
Notice the capital "K" in the word monkey. That is what I call a
"Go to Hell K". It indicates a defiant streak. Because her self-image
and ego are on the tame side, I don't think she is going to blow up the
Federal Building, but she will get irritated with too much "big brother" and
any semi-controlling "boss". She would be a great candidate for
self-employment. (The humble/ average ego is indicated by the first letters of the
signature that are small or average in size.) This, combined with the low /
medium crossed t-stem indicates her confidence and self-esteem could use a
boost.) If I was going to be very picky... the B in her last name indicates
a negative opinion of her husband (assuming Bolinger is her husband's
name.) Divorce women often make "his" name smaller if they don't switch
back to their maiden name.
-Bart Baggett
Another Analysis:
Very interesting handwriting and analysis. I also get the impression she
feels "trapped" and gets bored quickly and needs many different experiences -
variety is the spice in her life. I get the impression she needs
excitement, & once she gets what she wants, she starts thinking about the
next venture. She loves to have fun and to have a fun job may be the answer
for someone with such dynamic handwriting. What comes to mind is a job in
travel, or going on a Safari, where she can experience various cultures, new
things and exotic places.
-Annette Grauman,
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