- Stubborn
Revealed by t and d- stems shaped like a tepee or upside
down "V". The more this letter is braced, the more this
person is braced to his own ideas. Stubborn people rarely admit
they are wrong, and don't want to be confused with the facts after
they have made up their minds.
- Surface Thinker
This person is a quick thinker. He
tends to depend on other people's views rather than on personal
investigation. He often makes decisions based on others' opinions.
- Talkative
These people must move their mouth. Sometimes they will talk just to
hear their own voice.
- Temper
Shown by a t-bar that is crossed predominantly on the right
side of the stem. The more it occurs, the easier irritation
will cause them to lose control of their emotions. If combined
with a heavy rightward (DE,E+) slant, they will blow up quickly.
- Tenacity
Shown by ending hooks on the right side of letters. This person
tends to hold on to what is hers. If the hook is in the upper
zone she will cling to her ideas and beliefs. If in the middle
zone, she will be tenacious about material items.
- Too Many Irons In The Fire
This writer
has too many projects going on at one time, thus having confusion
of interests.
- Will Power
This person will be able
to follow a set course and display strong powers of the will.
Will power tends to intensify all other personality traits.