Handwriting University's Weekly Strokes Newsletter
Written by Bart Baggett



Do you have "Irritating Personality Disorder?

"Spilling your guts is as ugly as it sounds." Dorothy Parker


1. Feature: Emotional Baggage - Are You Too Heavy to
Handle? What Your Handwriting Reveals!
2. F.A.Q.
3. Spotlighted Learning Tool
4. Discounts and Seminars (Read new testimonails from students)


FEATURE STORY: Emotional Baggage -
Are You Too Heavy to Handle? What Your Handwriting Reveals!


Have you ever had anyone just walk right out of your life with no explanation at all?

If so, does it completely mystify you to this day? Do your friends kindly describe you as "intense" or "high maintenance"? Are you often accused of "trying too hard?" or "making a federal case out of everything"? Does the phrase "let it go" make you cringe?

If so, you just might be suffering from "Irritating Personality Disorder!"

Your emotional baggage is too heavy to handle!

An analysis of your own handwriting might help you learn to lighten up. Modern handwriting analysis can be used like a mirror to reveal to you what others already see.

Often times, our "ugly baggage" doesn't show up until we are emotionally involved with someone we care about.

This hidden emotional baggage can also explain why some people choose to ignore you, not take you seriously or head for the hills at the very mention of your name. The good news is that by choosing the right "self-help" tools, you can train your mind to alter the subconscious drives that are the root cause of these destructive patterns.

In handwriting analysis, this practice is called Grapho-therapy -- the science of changing your handwriting to change your life. I'm also a trained hypno-therapist and have found the tool of "time line therapy" also very useful for clearing up past root causes.*

When it comes to relationships, some people treat a potential soulmate like a porter at an airport. They are always looking for someone to handle their emotional burdens for them as they journey through life. Unfortunately, no matter how big the tip (how rich, attractive or needy you are) few people you meet in life will be qualified for the job. It's just too much work!

You must learn to release your emotional baggage and travel light! People with deep rooted resentment away tend to carry grudges like Olympic torches - the flame doesn't go out! People that press super heavy on the paper are more likely to hold grudges. But, it is not always a bad trait. Heavy writers tend to be better lovers and achieve more long term goals that require passion.

If you know someone that just emotionally holds onto things too long - they might have an excess of tenacity. This kind of tenacity is often represented in handwriting that contains t-bars that look like they have sprouted little fishing hooks at their ending point.

Is that chip on your shoulder visible to others? A good way to tell if your resentment is showing is to examine the way you make the initial strokes of your lower case letters. The strokes are straight and rigid and tend to resemble a straight metal pole leaning into the next letter. The farther down it starts on the page indicates how far in the past the root cause of this anger really is.

Are you sharing too much every time you open your mouth? Take a good look at your lower case o's. If they are open at the top it may indicate a tendency to burden others with too much conversation about your issues. Personally, I think the trait of being talkative can be charming and pleasant - if the person has happy things to talk about. But, if you combine a talkative person with a bunch of corrupted "victim" belief systems and anger and resentment . . . I'd rather them not open their mouth.


Are you so busy convincing others that you can't be convinced of anything yourself? Look for what we call the "the Go To Hell K." Your lower case K in a word like "monkey".

This is indicated by a lower case "k" that is larger than the other letters or by an unusually large buckle or loop in the upper case of the letter.

People who carry too much emotional baggage tend to share some common personality traits: insecurity, fear, obsessiveness, possessiveness, talkativeness, inflexibility, rebelliousness, resentment, defiance, immaturity and anxiety.

In almost all cases, people with a severe case of "irritating personality disorder" have major emotional scars that are unresolved. Most of these personality traits will show up in a handwriting sample. Many such traits can be changed using the new science of grapho-therapy. The "Adults 30 Day Workbook" will assist you in changing self-esteem, fear of ridicule, sensitive to criticism, fear of success, fear of failure, anger at the opposite sex, SARCASM, and even resentment.

If you know someone with this "irritating personality disorder" , please buy them one of our books so they can start to make life a little bit easier for you.

Recommended cures for "irritating personality disorder":

1. Success Secrets of the Rich & Happy - 440 pages by Bart Baggett
2. Basic Handwriting Analysis Home Study Course with Adult's Change Your Life in 30 Days workbook:

PDF & Hard Copy

To find more examples of these traits and find out more about
how Grapho-therapy can help you, please visit this page:


FAQ http://myhandwriting.com/FAQ

Q: I am a recovering alcoholic. People often accuse me of being in denial. Is there anything I can do to change my handwriting that might help me become more honest with myself?

A. Most people lie to themselves to avoid experiencing the emotional pain that facing up to reality might cause. (Example: Kid's lie to keep a Parent from getting angry.) An indicator that you might be doing this is by viewing your lower case letter o. The inner loops reveal how much secrecy you are keeping from yourself or others.

If your little o's contain two inner loops that touch - this indicates that you are lying to other people in addition to holding some self-deceit. Getting rid of the dual loops will make you brutally honest. Can you handle the truth? The truth may set you free, but it might irritate those around you. (Remember Jim Carrey in the movie Liar! Liar!? Telling the truth always can get you in big trouble.)

You can see images of these traits here:

Q: I have always thought I was a bit psychic. Is there anything in a person's handwriting that might indicate special extra-sensory abilities?

A. People who are intuitive show breaks between letters in their cursive handwriting. Handwriting that is part printed, part cursive is also thought to indicate a strong sixth sense.

However, there is a fine line between "psycho" and "psychic." Sometimes sociopaths and manipulators also display this trait.

If you have questions, just send them to our editor at




The New 14 Hours of Certification Level Handwriting Analysis Video is coming
out next week! You can now get your copy at pre-publication prices - but you must
order this week! Don't miss out on this incredible visual learning experience from
the top Handwriting Analyst in the country! Go here for the latest discounts and details.

'The fact that for 11 hours one day and come back for 7 hours the next day should testify that something worthwhile and exciting. The possibilities of positive change for ourselves as well as understanding and helping others are mind boggling. Just the opportunity to understand what makes our children tick is worth attending this course. '
- Harold Dodds
Texarkana, TX

'This seminar provided effective and powerful tools to change yourself.'
- Michelle Hamilton
Executive Speech Coach Palo Alto, CA

'This seminar has been a wonderful experience, not only educational, but very ecouraging and uplifting. Anyone could learn how to teach others life changing experiences. I would strongly encourage anyone to attend Handwriting University to learn and be entertained. Thanks for helping others and encouraging people to improve their lives.'
- Joe Jackson

'The details of someone's personality that are revealed are magical. Learning handwriting analysis has allowed me to develop a better understanding of my friends, both new and old, and to enhance those relationships. And the grapho-therapy will allow me to make a difference in people's lives (for the better, of course!). Thanks! '
Kenneth Fong
Computer Network Manager Sacramento, CA


Handwriting Courses on Special this week:

Attend the live Certification Seminar in
Orlando, Florida August 1st-3rd.
Only a few seats remain!




Bart Baggett, Author and Lead Trainer
Maryann Redhead, Director





Thanks for reading our weekly newsletter!



P.S.  Now is the best time to learn more about handwriting analysis.



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