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Weekly Strokes' Handwriting Analysis Newsletter

           Special Edition - Britney Spears  

Originally Published in June of 2002      


To: Subscriber

From:  Bart Baggett, Handwriting University.com

Thanks for your interest in Handwriting Analysis.

Here is a special newsletter edition you or one of

your friends or family will find interesting.






1. Feature Story: Britney Spears Handwriting

2. F.A.Q.  What if English in my second language?

3. Spotlighted Learning Tool:  Certification Course


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FEATURE STORY : Britney Spears



Celebrities in the News.


In the March issue of Jane Magazine, Britney Spears was

diagnosed in a number of non-traditional psychological

methods.  One of those methods was handwriting analysis.


Since most of my "Weekly Strokes" readers are not readers

of Jane Magazine, I thought I would show you the handwriting

sample I had to work with and elaborate on today's top pop

icon:  Belly ringed "not so innocent" Britney Spears.


If you are aspiring to be a professional handwriting analyst,

you have to be ready for the media to "test you."  In this case,

Jane magazine refused to tell me who their "cover girl" was,

only that she was a young female and famous enough to warrent

the cover of the magazine.


So, with no clue that is was swivel hips herself, I started to

analyzed.  What was interesting was there were two

handwriting samples on the paper.  One was the young girls and

the other was the celebrity's mom. 


Here is the samples I was given. You can scroll down to read my notes.



I found that interesting because the mother had all the "determination" and "control"

that one might expect to find in someone so successful at such

a young age.  This told me her mother was a critical factor in

getting Britney the breaks she needed to get where she is.


If you follow the tabloids, the biggest question in most people's

minds is the question "Is Britney a Virgin?"  Well, to quite

blunt. How many 19 year olds do you know that are virgins?

Yep, that's what I thought.  Furthermore, do you think someone

with that kind of world exposure and sense of "pushing the

envelope" would not be tempted to taste the fruits of sexuality.

No one dances like that and goes home to pray.  Come on.


But, my personal fantasies aside.  (joke.)   Her handwriting does

not reveal a particular overly sexual person.   She is not a slut,

not permiscious, does not trust everyone she meets, and does not

have an outrageous physical appetite.   Frankly I was surprised to

see such mediocre y-loops in a person who "works out" as much

as she does.  Usually the y-loops indicate reveeals invormation

about the person's physical nature as well as sex and intimacy.


So, if she was bumping and grinding Justin Timberlake ... the

writing isn't showing it. 

Here is the writing with my notes:


What is does reveal is a typical teenager.  Low to average self-

esteem, which beckons lots of approval.  A pretty bright mind;

shown by the sharp m humps in her signature.   She has a deep

need for attention; indicated by the overly obnoxious and cute

symbols near her signature.  Again, all of these are typical of

a teenager.  For all those men out there dreaming of dating

Britney... she is still emotionally a child... with the body of

a woman.


It reminds me of early handwriting of Madonna.  When Madonna

was 18, she had sweet bubbly young girl writing too.  Now,

the Music Mogul Madonna block prints like the other macho,

guarded, male music executives typical of power brokers. 

She changed, she matured. 


Britney is a bit immature, but that isn't meant in a critical

way.  She is every bit of 19 years old and is living the life

of a 28 year old superstar.   After analyzing her writing, I

am much more sympathatic to her when other criticize her.

You can see a 2004 handwriting sample of Britney here.


I remember Marge Simpson once told Homer "It's easy to

criticize others, Homer"

Homer retorted, "And fun, too!"


You can post your comments about Britney's handwriting at

our worldwide bulletin board:

(Do not break the above URL)


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Question: What if English in my second language?


Answer:   Any latin based langauge  uses the

latin based alphabet.  This means we can analyze it

with accuracy.  As long as you know English well

enough to not "have to think about forming the letters"

it will give us accurate insight.  


I have analyzed handwriting of dozens of prospective

"wives" for American men who were corresponding

with Pen Pals in both Taiwan, Russia, and Indonesia.


Once the person learns to write in a second language,

the mental circuits are formed then the handwriting

is both unique to that individual and predicatable. 


There are many trained handwriting analyst in Isreal

who specialize in non-latin based alphabet.  The

scientific system Handwriting University.com teaches

is based in the latin alphabet.






Any season is a good time to socialize with friends.  If you

have been wondering how much fun it would be to be

really good at analyzing handwriting... consider enrolling

yourself into our "Certification Level Home Study Course."


Although we sell tons of books and Grapho-Decks, our strongest

testimonials come from those students that decided to master

the science and use it on themselvse.  All tell me that the

program had a positive impact on understanding or changing

their own habits and gave them tremendous insight into

their relationships.   Many are even working full or part time

earning $100 per hour or more as a handwriting analyst.


If you have been thinking about learning more, call our home

office and speak to Maryann.  She took the course and it changed

her life so much  she wanted to come to work for our school.

or maryann@myhandwriting.com


You  can read all the other glowing reviews on our website

and take advantage of a Enrollment Specials.

"I am making a $100 an hour reading handwriting at parties,
impressing those with my highly accurate assessment of them
without ever having met them before! And all my knowledge
comes from Bart's books, courses, and tapes.

From what I learned from his "How to Analyze Your Handwriting in
10 minutes," I have been successfully reading people at both
private and corporate events (as well as my friends.) People are
simply amazed at what I tell them, wondering how handwriting
can be so accurate. And at parties they love it, enjoy hearing
about themselves, and it is a fabulous ( and VERY ACCURATE)
way to analyse couples and see where they agree and where they

If you want to go further in depth in learning handwriting
analyses, The Certification Course is the way to go. I am taking it
now and find it fascinating because there is so much more information
being presented, both in the books and through the tapes of a live
course session. I know that I am getting a superior course in
becoming a professionally certified handwriting analyst.

There is a great deal of depth to handwriting analysis, more than just
entertainment, and for those who want to really develop their
knowledge of this skill, Bart Baggett's courses without a doubt
lead the way. You can be sure that you getting information that is
100 percent accurate. I feel totally confident in what I tell people
about themselves using the knowledge gained from Bart Baggett's
books and tapes because--you know why?--the people themselves
tell me how accurate I am!!!! "

- Read Greyer, READGREYER@aol.com

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Bart Baggett, Author and Lead Trainer

Maryann Redhead, Director







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