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Britney and Jason: Thanks for the Memories!



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Britney and Jason: Thanks for the Memories!

Written by Mike Bloomberg, Guest Writer

Right after the New Year, Britney (does she need a last name?) and her childhood
"friend" (Jason Alexander) got hitched in Vegas.

"What happens in Vegas; stays in Vegas." Fortunately for us, their marriage license made it out.
Which leads us to this article. More importantly, what the heck were they thinking? Also, do they have a connection?

Normally, a handwriting analyst would like to see more. Being a single, red-blooded male,
who wouldn't want to see more of Britney? But let's focus on her handwriting.

Even though we only have signatures to analyze, our grapho-leader, Mr. Bart Baggett, asked me
to throw together a brief analysis, so I could not disappoint.

It think it is interesting how much someone's writing change between the age of 19 - 22. Oh, add a weekend
in Vegas and perhaps drugs and alchohol... people change.




You're not our little girl any more

In the March 2003 issue of Jane magazine, Bart analyzed the writing of Ms. Spears (see below or visit the original article here online). As Bart mentioned, it was that of a pretty normal teenage girl. Notice the addition of the heart above her signature. Also, her letters are defined and legible. Move forward to the "about to get hitched" Britney.

The initial letters are large and rounded. However, the rest of her writing is "thready." This is letters not completely legible and the writing basically looks like a piece of string or thread.

This is not uncommon with celebrities. Arsenio Hall, comedian and former talk-show host, had a signature which defined the "Hollywood" writing exactly. Basically, it was a large A with a straight line after, coming out to the right, instead of letters.

What we know about straight lines after words or names is this person is keeping their distance from others. They are cautious. And, as people in the public eye, they should be. Also, think about how many times they are asked for autographs. A simpler signature just makes sense. Notice the cautiousness in Spears.

Also, something else interesting about Britney over the last couple of years is the letter "t" in Britney. As a teenager, it was pretty much copybook or that of the Palmer method of writing. Now, it is that of a young lady who wants people to get right to the point. Notice the "t" in Britney. A straight line beginning in the upper zone with no lead-in strokes, coming straight down. She prefers the direct approach.

Don't bother filling your stories with fluff. She wants the Cliff's Notes version, if you will. Again, a couple of years ago, she was a singer. Now, she's a singer, actress, business person, etc., etc. She is bombarded with contracts and deals on a daily basis.

Lastly, notice the baseline of her signature.

As handwriting analysts, we prefer to have a sample on unlined paper. Britney was given a line on which to write and she chose not to use it. She chose to write above it. The baseline is also called the "line of reality." By choosing to not use this line, Britney is telling us that she does things her way. Not only that, she's not too worried about the consequences. After all, she's Britney Spears.


I'm not a boy; not yet a man

What do we know about Jason Alexander, aka, Mr. Spears?

In Handwriting Analysis 101, one of the very first things taught is to look for anything which jumps of the page. For Mr. Alexander, this would his far left-leaning slant. Here's a guy who makes decisions with his head and rarely with heart. He was most left alone too much as a child and now doesn't trust himself or others when it comes to being emotionally vulnerable.

These writers are very hard for most people to understand. The reason being is that the majority of us make decisions with our hearts or are influenced by our emotions. He may be influenced, but his defense mechanisms and trust issues run deep.

If you've ever dealt with a left-slanted writer, compassion and empathy is not one of their strong points. Also, notice the closed lower loop on his "J." Jason is a loner. He's got a couple of close friends... and even those don't really know him.

His writing appears to be written without much rhythm, almost like it is work to create the letters. Along with this, some of his letters are not legible or formed properly. All this adds up to someone that is a little light in the intellegence department. I'd say he is a few pancakes short of a full stack. After hearing his interviews, he could be the poster boy for
Dumb Redneck Hot Sauce." (If such a product exist.) His ability to conjugate verbs properly is clearly a daily struggle.

My guess would be that he is probably a bit immature both emotionally and intellectually.

My parents did always teach me to find something good in everyone. So here goes...Jason is very blunt. His o's and a's are very open. One of his e's on his last name is also open, making him a good listener. He tells it like it is, unless it involves expressing his feelings, then he withdraws like a scared kitty cat.

He probably won't feel your problems as if they are his own, but he will definitely listen.


Now available at a discounted price.

What will the future hold?

Why are these two together? Do they have chemistry?

Again, let me reiterate this point, especially when doing a compatibility analysis. It is very difficult to analyze a person or persons with just a signature.

Having said that, based on just their signatures, my guess would be that Britney finds a close friend in this guy, for several reasons.

The most obvious, they grew up together. With handwriting analysis involved, it becomes a little more apparent.

Britney is a celebrity. She is used to getting her way and people kissing her little, miniature J-Lo behind.

Jason doesn't do that. For one, he's not a person who lets a lot of people in.

Britney probably finds solace in that she is one of the few. With his open "e's", he'll listen to Britney complain about her rough life and how hard it is to be Britney. (And, since he doesn't have mastery of the English language, it is best he" DONT TALK TO MUCH."

Next, he's probably one of the few who tells her like it is or puts her in her place. He is blunt, honest and to the point.

Based on the openness of the second "a" in his last name, he probably doesn't even need to be asked to tell her his opinion.

Do they have chemistry? Opposites do attract. He is an emotionally unavailable, macho exterior, tough guy — she's a immature chick. It's hard to say what causes chemistry, but personality wise, these two are not a match. My guess would be that he brings a little bit of home to her when she is not able to get back to Louisiana.

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